Hypnosis Bibliography




Hypnosis Bibliography - Highly Recommended




  • Abelson, R.P. et al (eds), 1968, Theories of Cognitive Consistency: A Sourcebook, Chicago: Rand McNally.
  • Abse, D. Wilfred, 1966, "Hysteria and Related Mental Disorders,"Bristol:John Wright.
  • Ader, Robert (ed.), 1981, Psychoneuroimmunology, SanDiego:Academy Press.
  • Aladzhalova NA. Rozhnov VE. Kamenetskii SL. Human hypnosis and super-slow electrical activity of the brain. [RUSSIAN] Zhurnal NevropatologiiI Psikhiatrii Imeni S - S - Korsakova. 76(5):704-9, 1976.
  • Aladzhalova NA. Rozhnov VE. Kamenetskii SL. Hypnosis in man and veryslow brain electrical activity. Neuroscience & Behavioral Physiology.9(3):252-6, 1978 Jul-Sep.
  • Alvarado, Carlos S., 1992, The Psychological Approach to Out-of-BodyExperiences: A Review of Early and Modern Developments. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 126, 237-250.
  • An exhaustive bibliography on multiple personality disorder was at onetime available from George Greaves, Ph.D., 529 Pharr Rd., Atlanta, GA 30305.
  • Bandler, R. & Grinder, J. (1975). Patterns of the hypnotic techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. (Vol. 1). Cupertino, California: Meta.
  • Bandler, RIchard and John Grinder, (Judith Delozier), 1975/1977 (2 vols),"Patterns of the hypnotic techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D." Cupertino,Ca.: Meta Publications
  • Barabasz AF. Gregson RA. Antarctic wintering--over, suggestion andtransient olfactory stimulation: EEG evoked potential and electrodermalresponses. Biological Psychology. 9(4):285-95, 1979 Dec.
  • Barabasz AF. Restricted environmental stimulation and the enhancement of hypnotizability: pain, EEG alpha, skin conductance and temperature responses.International Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis. 30(2):147-66,1982 Apr.
  • Barber, J. and D. Mayer, 1977, 'Evaluation of the efficacy and neuralmechanism of a hypnotic analgesia procedure in experimental and clinicaldental pain,' Pain, 4,41-48.
  • Barber, T.X., 1961, "Physiological effects of 'hypnosis,'Psychological Bulletin, 58: 390-419.
  • Barber, T.X., 1965, "Physiological effects of 'hypnotic suggestions': acritical review of recent research (1960-1964)," PsychologicalBulletin, 63: 201-222.
  • Barber, T.X., 1969, "Hypnosis: A Scientific Approach," N.Y.: VanNostrand Reinhold.
  • Barber, T.X., 1970, LSD, Marihuana, Yoga, and Hypnosis, Chicago:Aldine.
  • Barber, Theodore X. (1961) "Antisocial and Criminal Acts Induced by Hypnosis: A Review of Experimental and Clinical Findings," Archives of GeneralPsychiatry 5:301-312.
  • Barber, Theodore X., Spanos, Nicholas P., and Chaves, John F. (1974)Hypnosis, Imagination, and Human Potentialities. Pergamon.
  • Bartless, F.C., 1964, Remembering: A Study in Experimental and Social Psychology, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Basmajian, J.V., 1963, "Control and Training of Individual Motor Units,"Science, 141, pp. 440-441.
  • Bass, M.J., 1931, "Differentiation of the hypnotic trance from normalsleep," Journal of Experimental Psychology, 14:382-399.
  • Beahrs, J.O,, (1982) "Unity and Multiplicity: Multilevel Consciousness of Self in Hypnosis, Psychiatric Disorder and Mental Health." New York:Brunner/Mazel.
  • Berger, P. and T. Luckman, 1967, The Social Construction ofReality, N.Y.:Anchor.
  • Black, Perry (ed), 1970, Physiological Correlates of Emotion,N.Y.:Academic Press, pp. 229-243 ("The perception and labelling of bodilychanges as determinants of emotional behavior")
  • Blackmore, Susan, 1983, Beyond the Body, Vermont:David
  • Bliss, E., 1984, "Spontaneous Self-Hypnosis in Multiple Personality Disorder," Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 7:137.
  • Block, N. (ed.), 1981, Imagery, Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Borgeat F. Goulet J. Psychophysiological changes following auditorysubliminal suggestions for activation and deactivation. Perceptual &Motor Skills. 56(3):759-66, 1983 Jun.
  • Bowers, K.S. and D. Meichenbaum (eds), 1984, The UnconsciousReconsidered, N.Y.:Wiley.
  • Bowers, K.S., "Hypnosis for the Seriously Curious"
  • Bowers, K.S., 1990, "Unconscious influences and hypnosis," in J.L.Singer (ed), Repression and Dissociation: Defense Mechanisms andPersonality Styles (pp. 143-179), Chicageo:Univ of Chicago Press.
  • Bowers, K.S., and Thomas M. Davidson, 1991, "A Neodissociative Critique ofSpanos' Social Psychological Model of Hypnosis," in Lynn and Rhue, Theories of Hypnosis, 1991, N.Y.: Guilford Press, pp. 105-143.
  • Braude, Stephen, (1991), "First Person Plural: Multiple Personality andthe Philosophy of Mind." London: Routledge.
  • Braun, B., 1983, "Psychophysiologic Phenomena in Multiple Personality andHypnosis," American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 26:124-135.
  • Brende JO. Electrodermal responses in post-traumatic syndromes. A pilotstudy of cerebral hemisphere functioning in Vietnam veterans. Journal ofNervous & Mental Disease. 170(6):352-61, 1982 Jun.
  • Brenman, M., 1942, "Experiments in the Hypnotic Production of Anti-Socialand Self-Injurious Behavior," Psychiatry, 5:49-61.
  • Brentano, F., 1973, (ed. O. Kraus and L.C. McAlister, trans. A. Rancurelloet al) "Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint," Highlands, N.J.: Humanities.
  • Brown, Barbara, 1974, "New Mind, New Body," N.Y.:Harper
  • Bryant and McConkey, 1989, "Hypnotic Blindness: A Behavioral and Experimental Analysis," Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 98, 71-77, and also p. 443-447, "Hypnotic Blindness, Awareness, and Attribution."
  • Combs, G. & Freedman, J. (1990). Symbol story & ceremony: Using metaphor in individual and family therapy. New York: Norton.
  • Coons, P.M. et al., 1982, "EEG Studies of two multiple personalities and acontrol," Archives of General Psychiatry, July, 39:823.
  • Cooper, L., & Erickson, M. (1954). Time distortion on hypnosis. New York: Irvington.
  • Corcoran JF. Lewis MD. Garver RB. Biofeedback-conditioned galvanic skinresponse and hypnotic supression of arousal: a pilot study of their relationto deception. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 23(1):155-62, 1978 Jan.
  • Crasilneck, H.B. et al., 1955, "Use of hypnosis in the management ofpatients with burns," Journal of the American Medical Association, 158:103-106.
  • D'Andrade, R.G., 1981, "The Cultural Part of Cognition," CognitiveScience, 5, pp. 179-195.
  • Davidson, Davidson, Schwartz, Shapiro, (eds), 1986, Consciousness andSelf-Regulation, N.Y.: Plenum Press
  • Davidson, J.M. and Richard J. Davidson (eds), 1980, The Psychobiology of Consciousness, N.Y.:Plenum Press.
  • Dennett, Daniel C., 1991, Consciousness Explained, Little, Brown.
  • DePiano FA. Salzberg HC. Hypnosis as an aid to recall of meaningfulinformation presented under three types of arousal. International Journal ofClinical & Experimental Hypnosis. 29(4):383-400, 1981 Oct.
  • Diamond, M., 1974, "Modification of hypnotizability: A review,"Psychological Bulletin, 81: 180-198.
  • Dixon, Norman, 1981, Preconscious Processing, Wiley.
  • Dolan, Y. (1985). A path with a heart: Ericksonian utilization with resistant and chronic patients. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Dolan, Y. (1991). Resolving sexual abuse: Solution-focused therapy and ericksonian hypnosis for adult survivors. New York: Norton.
  • Ebon, Martin, (Jan-Feb, 1977), "The Occult Temptation," TheHumanist, 37, pp. 27-30.
  • Edelman, G.M., 1989, The Remembered Present: A Biological Theory ofConsciousness, N.Y., Basic Books.
  • Edgette, J. & Edgette, J. (1995). The handbook of hypnotic phenomena in psychotherapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Edwards, 1963, "Duration of post-hypnotic effect," British Journal ofPsychiatry, 109: 259-266.
  • Eister, A.W., 1972, "Outline of a Structural Theory of Cults," Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 11(4), pp. 319-333.
  • Ellenberger, H., 1970, "The Discovery of the Unconscious: The History and Evolution of Dynamic Psychology," N.Y.: Basic Books.
  • Ellson, Douglas, 1941, "Hallucinations Produced by Sensory Conditioning," Journal of Experimental Psychology, 28, pp. 1-20.
  • Erdelyi, M.H., 1985, "Psychoanalysis: Freud's Cognitive Psychology,"N.Y.:Freeman.
  • Erickson, M. (1983). Healing in hypnosis: The seminars, workshops, and lectures of Milton H. Erickson (Vol. 1). E. Rossi, M. Ryan, & F. Sharp (Eds). New York: Irvington.
  • Erickson, M. (1985). Life Reframing in hypnosis: The seminars, workshops, and lectures of Milton H. Erickson (Vol. 2). E. Rossi, M. Ryan, & F. Sharp (Eds). New York: Irvington.
  • Erickson, M. H., Rossi, E. L. (1989). The February man: Evolving consciousness and identity in hypnotherapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Erickson, M. H., Rossi, E. L., & Rossi, S. I. (1976). Hypnotic realities : The induction of clinical hypnosis and forms of indirect suggest. New York: Irvington.
  • Erickson, M., Hershman, S., & Secter, I. (1961). The practical application of medical and dental hypnosis. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Erickson, M., Rossi, E., (1979). Hypnotherapy: An exploratory casebook. New York: Irvington.
  • Erickson, M., Rossi, E., (1981). Experiencing hypnosis: Therapeutic approaches to altered state. New York: Irvington.
  • Erickson, Milton H., 1939, "An Experimental Investigation into thePossible Anti-Social Use of Hypnosis," Psychiatry, 2, 391-414.
  • Evans, Christopher, 1973, Cults of Unreason, N.Y.: Farrar.
  • Fields, Howard, (Nov. 1978), "Secrets of the Placebo," PsychologyToday, 12, 172.
  • Fischer, Roland, "State-Bound Knowledge," Aug. 1976, Psychology Today, 10, pp. 68-72.
  • Flanagan, O.J. Jr., 1991, (2nd ed), The Science of the Mind,Cambridge, Mass., Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Foucault, M., 1970, The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences, Vintage/Random House.
  • Fromm, E. and R.E. Shor (eds.), 1979, "Hypnosis: Developments in Researchand New Perspectives," Chicago:Aldine.
  • Gabbard, Glen, and Stuart Twemlow, 1984, With The Eyes of the Mind,N.Y., Praeger.
  • Galanter, Marc. 1989, Cults: Faith, Healing, and Coercion,Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
  • Geertz, C., 1983, Local Knowledge, N.Y.:Basic Books.
  • Gellner, E., 1974, Legitimation of Belief, Cambridge:Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Gilligan, S. (1986). Therapeutic trances: The cooperation principle in ericksonian hypnotherapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Globus, Gordon G., Grover Maxwell, and Irving Savodnik (eds), 1976,Consciousness and the Brain: A Scientific and Philosophical Inquiry,N.Y.: Plenum Press.
  • Goldstein, Eleanor, 1992, Confabulations, Boca Raton, Fla:SocialIssues Research Series
  • Goleman, D., 1988, "Probing the Enigma of Multiple Personality," N.Y.Times, June 28, pp. C1,C13.
  • Gorassini and Spanos, 1986, "A sociocognitive skills approach to thesuccesful modification of hypnotic susceptibility," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 50: 1004-1012. (A non-imagination alernative view of hypnotic suggestibility).
  • Gordon, D. & Myers-Anderson, M. (1981). Phoenix: Therapeutic Patterns of Milton H. Erickson. Cupertino, CA: Meta Publications.
  • Gordon, D. (1978). Therapeutic metaphors: Helping others through the looking glass. Cupertino, CA: Meta Publications.
  • Gray, Cynthia, and Kent Gummerman, 1975, "The Enigmantic Eidetic Image,"Psychological Bulletin, 82, pp. 383-407.
  • Green, Elmer, Alyce Green, and E. Dale Walters, 1970, "Voluntary Controlof Internal States," Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 2, pp. 1-26.
  • Griffiths, A.P. (ed), 1967, Knowledge and Belief, Oxford: OxfordUniv. Press.
  • Grinder, J., DeLozier, J., & Bandler, R. Patterns of the hypnotic techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. (Vol. 2). Cupertino, California: Meta.
  • Grinder, John and Richard Bandler (ed. Connirae Andreas), 1981,"Trance-Formations: Neurolinguistic Programming and the Structure ofHypnosis," Utah:Real People Press.
  • Gross, Michael, 1991, "The Eyes Have It," The Fortean Times, #58,July, 1991).
  • Haley, J. (1963). Strategies of psychotherapy. New York: Grune & Stratton.
  • Haley, J. (1976). Problem solving therapy. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Haley, J. (1984). Ordeal Therapy. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
  • Haley, J. (1985a). Conversations with Milton H. Erickson, M.D.: Changing Individuals. New York: Norton.
  • Haley, J. (1985b). Conversations with Milton H. Erickson, M.D. (Vol. 2): Changing couples. New York: Norton.
  • Haley, J. (1985c). Conversations with Milton H. Erickson, M.D. (Vol. 3): Changing children and families. New York: Norton.
  • Haley, J. (Ed.). (1967). Advanced techniques of hypnosis and therapy: Selected papers of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. New York: Grune & Stratton.
  • Haley, J. (1973). Uncommon therapy: The psychiatric techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. New York: Norton.
  • Harary, Keith, 1992, "The trouble with HYPNOSIS. Whose power is it,anyway?" March/April Psychology Today.
  • Havens, R. & Walters, C. (1989). Hypnotherapy Scripts: A neo-ericksonian approach to persuasive healing. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Havens, R. (1985). The wisdom of Milton H. Erickson, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, New York: Irvington.
  • Havens, R.A. (ed.), 1992, "The Wisdom of Milton H. Erickson", (2 vols),N.Y., Irvington
  • Heron, Woodburn, W.H. Bexton, and Donald Hebb, 1953, "Cognitive Effects of a Decreased Variation in the Sensory Environment," American Psychologist, 8, p. 366.
  • Hilgard and Hilgard, 1983, "Hypnosis in the relief of pain" (book)
  • Hilgard, E., 1965, Hypnosis section of Vol. 16 of the Annual Review ofPsychology, pp. 157-180.
  • Hilgard, E., 1975, Hypnosis section of Vol. 26 of the Annual Review ofPsychology, pp. 19-44.
  • Hilgard, E.R., 1991, "A Neodissociation Interpretation of Hypnosis," inLynn and Rhue (eds.), Theories of Hypnosis, N.Y.:Guilford Press, pp.83-104.
  • Hilgard, Ernest R., 1977, "Divided Consciousness: Multiple Controls inHuman Thought and Action," John Wiley & Sons.
  • Hilgard, Hilgard, Macdonald, Morgan, and Johnson, 1978, "The reality of hypnotic analgesia: a comparison of highly hypnotizables with simulators."
  • Hoencamp, Erik (1990) "Sexual Abuse and the Abuse of Hypnosis in theTherapeutic Relationship," International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 38:283-297.
  • Hoenig J. Reed GF. The objective assessment of desensitization. BritishJournal of Psychiatry. 112(493):1279-83, 1966 Dec.
  • Hollis, M. and S. Lukes (eds), 1982, Rationality and Relativism,Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Holroyd JC. Nuechterlein KH. Shapiro D. Ward F. Individual differencesin hypnotizability and effectiveness of hypnosis or biofeedback. InternationalJournal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis. 30(1):45-65, 1982 Jan.
  • Hull, Clark L., 1933, "Hypnosis and Suggestibility: An ExperimentalApproach," Appleton-Century-Crofts.
  • Humphrey, N. and D.C. Dennett, 1989, "Speaking for Ourselves: An Assessment of Multiple Personality Disorder," Raritan, 9: pp. 68-98.
  • Irwin, Harvey, 1985, Flight of Mind: A Psychology Study of the Out of Body Experience, N.J.:Scarecrow Press
  • J. Zeig, (Ed.) (1985). Ericksonian Psychotherapy, Volume I: Structures; Volume II: Clinical Applications
  • Jahoda, Gustav, 1969, The Psychology of Superstition, Baltimore:Penguin
  • James, William, (1958), The Varieties of Religious Experience,N.Y.: New American Library/Mentor.
  • Johnson, R.F.Q., and T.X. Barber, 1976, "Hypnotic Suggestions forBlister Formation: Subjective and Physiological Effects," American Journalof Clinical Hypnosis, 18:172-182.
  • June 1989 issue of Gastroenterology, "Hypnosis and the Relaxation Response," and "Modulation of gastric acid secretion by hypnosis"
  • Kahneman, D., P, Slovic, A. Tverski (eds), 1982, "Judgement Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases," Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Kamiya, Joe, 1972, "Operant Control of the EEG Alpha Rhythm and Some ofits Reported Effects on Consciousness," in Charles Tart (ed.) Altered States of Consciousness, N.Y.:Doubleday/Anchor, pp. 519-529.
  • Katz, Leo (1987) Bad Acts and Guilty Minds: Conundrums of the CriminalLaw. University of Chicago Press.
  • Kihlstrom, J.F., 1987, "The Cognitive Unconscious," Science, 237,1445-1452.
  • Kihlstrom, J.R. 1985, Hypnosis section of Vol. 36 of the Annual Reviewof Psychology, pp. 385-418.
  • Klatzky and Erdely, 1985, "The response criterion problem in tests ofhypnosis and memory," International Journal of Clinical and ExperimentalHypnosis, 33, 246-257.
  • Klinger, E. (ed), 1981, Imagery: Concepts, Results, and Applications, Plenum. (Wilson and Barber, "Vivid Fantasy andHallucinatory Abilities in the Life Histories of Excellent Hypnotic Subjects('Somnambules'): Preliminary Report with Female Subjects.")
  • Klippstein & Hildegard (Eds.). (1991). Ericksonian Hypnotherapeutic Group Inductions. Brunner/Mazel.
  • Kluft, R.P & Fine, C.G. (eds) (1993) Clinical Perspectives on MultiplePersonality Disorder. American Psychiatric Press.
  • Kunzendorf, Robert (ed), 1990, "The Psychophysiology of Mental Imagery",Amityville, NY: Baywood Publishing. Especially the chapter by Spiegel onhypnotic hallucination.
  • Kunzendorf, Robert. Hypnotizability: correlations with daydreaming andsleeping. Psychological Reports v. 53 (Oct. '83) p. 406
  • Lankton, C. & Lankton, S. (1989). Tales of Enchantment: Goal-oriented metaphors for adults and children in therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Lankton, S. & Erickson, K. (Eds.). (1993). Ericksonian monographs number 9: Essence of single session success. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Lankton, S. & Lankton, C. (1983). The answer within: A clinical framework of ericksonian hypnotherapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Lankton, S. & Lankton, C. (1986). Enchantment and intervention in family therapy: Training in ericksonian approaches. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Lankton, S. & Lankton, C. (1996). Ericksonian psychotherapy: Basic principles into practice library. New York: Brunner/Mazel. (in progress).
  • Lankton, S. & Zeig, J. (Eds.). (1988). Ericksonian monographs number 3: Special treatment populations. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Lankton, S. & Zeig, J. (Eds.). (1988). Ericksonian monographs number 4: Research, therapy comparisons, and medical applications. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Lankton, S. & Zeig, J. (Eds.). (1989). Ericksonian monographs number 6: Extrapolations: Demonstrations of ericksonian therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Lankton, S. & Zeig, J. (Eds.). (1994). Ericksonian monographs number 10: Difficult Contexts for Therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Lankton, S. (1980). Practical magic: A translation of basic neuro linguistic programming into clinical psychotherapy. Cupertino, CA: Meta Publications.
  • Lankton, S. (Ed.). (1985). Ericksonian monographs number 1: Elements and dimensions of an ericksonian approach. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Lankton, S. (Ed.). (1987). Ericksonian monographs number 2: Themes and principles of ericksonian therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Lankton, S. (Ed.). (1988). Ericksonian monographs number 5: Ericksonian hypnosis: Application, preparation, and research. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Lankton, S. (Ed.). (1990). Ericksonian monographs number 7: The issue of broader implications of ericksonian therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Lankton, S., Gilligan, S., & Zeig, J. (Eds.). (1991). Views on ericksonian brief therapy, process and action, number 8. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Larbig W. Elbert T. Lutzenberger W. Rockstroh B. Schnerr G. BirbaumerN. EEG and slow brain potentials during anticipation and control of painfulstimulation. Electroencephalography & Clinical Neurophysiology. 53(3):298-309, 1982 Mar.
  • Lecron, L.M. (ed.), 1954, "Experimental Hypnosis," Macmillan.
  • Leva, R. (Ed.). (1988). Psychotherapy; The listening voice: Rogers and Erickson. Muncie, Indiana: Accelerated Development.
  • Levitt, Eugene E. (1977) "Research Strategies in Evaluating the CoercivePower of Hypnosis," Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 296:86-89.
  • Levitt, Eugene E., Baker, Elgan L., Jr., and Fish, Ronald C. (1990) "Some Conditions of Compliance and Resistance Among Hypnotic Subjects," American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 32(April):225-236.
  • Lewis, Howard amd Martha Lewis, 1975, Psychosomatics, N.Y.,Pinnacle Books.
  • Libet, B., 1965, "Cortical Activation in Conscious and Unconscious Experience," Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 9, pp. 77-86.
  • Libet, B., 1985, "Unconscious Cerebral Initiative and the Role ofConscious Will in Voluntary Action," Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 8,pp. 529-566.
  • Lloyd MA. Appel JB. Signal detection theory and the psychophysics ofpain: an introduction and review. Psychosomatic Medicine. 38(2):79-94, 1976Mar-Apr.
  • Locke, Steven and Douglas Colligan, 1986, The Healer Within,N.Y.:Dutton.
  • Loftus and Loftus, (May, 1980), "On the permanence of stored informationin the human brain," American Psychologist, 35(5):409-420
  • Loftus, Elizabeth, June 27,1993, "You Must Remember This ... ... or doyou? How Real are Repressed Memories?" Washington Post.
  • Lowenstein, R.J. (guest editor) The Psychiatric Clinics of North America,Special volume on multiple personality disorder, September, 1991 (Volume 14,No.3). W.B. Saunders Company.
  • Luhrmann, T.M., 1989, "Persuasions of the Witch's Craft," CambridgeMass.: Harvard Univ. Press.
  • Lukianowicz, N., 1958, "Autoscopic Phenomena," Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 80, pp. 199-220.
  • Luria, Alexander, 1968, The Mind of a Mnemonist, N.Y., Basic Books.
  • Lustig, H. (1975). The artistry of Milton H. Erickson, M.D., Part I and Part II. Haverford, PA: Herbert S. Lustig, M.D., Ltd., a video tape.
  • Lynn, S. and J. Rhue, 1988, "Fantasy Proneness," AmericanPsychologist, 45:1-43.
  • Lynn, Stephen, and Judith Rhue (eds.),1991,"Theories of Hypnosis:Current Models and Perspectives," N.Y.:Guilford Press.
  • Mandler, G., 1984, Mind and Body: Psychology of Emotion and Stress,N.Y.:Norton.
  • Marcel, A., and E. Bisiach (eds), 1988, Consciousness in ContemporaryScience, Oxford:Clarendon.
  • Marks, John (1979) The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate": The CIA and Mind Control. Times Books.
  • Matthews, W. & Edgette, J. (Eds.) (1996). The evolution of brief therapy: An annual publication of the Milton H. Erickson Foundation, volume 1. New York: Brunner Mazel. In press
  • McGaugh, J.L., G. Lynch, and N.M. Weinberger (eds), 1993, TheNeurobiology of Learning and Memory, N.Y., Guilford Press.
  • Mehl, L. & Peterson, G. (1989). The art of healing. New York: Irvington.
  • Merleau-Ponty, M., 1962, The Phenomenology of Perception, trans. C. Smith, Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  • Milgram, Stanley (1974) Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View.Harper & Row.
  • Mills, J., Crowley, R., & Ryan, M. (1986). Therapeutic metaphors for children and the child within. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Moine, Donald and Kenneth Lloyd, 1990, "Unlimited Selling Power: How toMaster Hypnotic Selling Skills," N.J.:Prentice Hall.
  • Montefiore, A. and D. Noble (eds), 1989, "Goals, Own Goals, and No Goals:A Debate on Goal-Directed and Intentional Behavior," London: Unwin Hyman
  • Morse DR. Martin JS. Furst ML. Dubin LL. A physiological and subjective evaluation of meditation, hypnosis, and relaxation. Journal Psychosomatic Medicine. 39(5):304-24, 1977 Sep-Oct.
  • Naish, P.L.N. (ed.), 1986, "What is hypnosis? Current Theories andResearch," Philadelphia: Open University Press.
  • O'Connell DN. Orne MT. Endosomatic electrodermal correlates of hypnotic depth and susceptibility. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 6(1):1-12,1968Jun.
  • Ofshe, Richard and Ethan Watters, (March, 1993), "Making Monsters,"Society.
  • Ofshe, Richard, 1992, "Inadvertent Hypnosis During Interrogation,"International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis,11:125-155.
  • O'Hanlon, W. & Hexum, A. (1990). An uncommon casebook: The complete clinical work of Milton H. Erickson. New York: Norton.
  • O'Hanlon, W. (1987). Taproots: Underlying principles of Milton Erickson's therapy and hypnosis. New York: Norton Publishers.
  • oncomitants of hypnosis: skin temperature, heart rate and skin resistance. Biological Psychology. 4(4):249-58, 1976 Dec.
  • O'Regan, B. and T. Hurley, 1985, "Multiple Personality: Mirrors of a NewModel of Mind?," Investigations, Institute of Noetic Sciences.
  • Orne, M. T., 1961, chapter on hypnosis in Biderman and Zimmer, (eds),The Manipulation of Human Behavior, pp. 169-215.
  • Orne, Martin T. (1972) "Can A Hypnotized Subject Be Compelled To Carry OutOtherwise Unacceptable Behavior? A Discussion," International Journal ofClinical Hypnosis 20:101-117.
  • Orne, Martin T. and Evans, Frederick J. (1965) "Social Control in the Psychological Experiment: Antisocial Behavior and Hypnosis," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1:189-200.
  • Ornstein, Robert E. (ed), 1968, The Nature of Human Consciousness: A Book of Readings, San Francisco:W.H. Freeman.
  • Ortony, A. (ed), 1979, Metaphor and Thought, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Overholser, L. (1984). Ericksonian hypnosis: Handbook of clinical practice. New York, Irvington.
  • Pessin M. Plapp JM. Stern JA. Effects of hypnosis induction andattention direction on electrodermal responses. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. 10(3):198-206, 1968 Jan.
  • Phillips, M. & Frederick, C. (1995). Healing the Divided Self: Clinical and Ericksonian Hypnotherapy for Post Traumatic and Dissociative Conditions. New York: W.W. Norton.
  • Prince, Morton, 1957, "The Dissociation of a Personality," N.Y.:MeridianBooks.
  • Purdy, D.M., 1936, "Eidetic Imagery and the Plasticity of Perception,"Journal of General Psychology, 15.
  • Putnam, F., 1984, "The Psychophysiological Investigation of Multiple Personality Disorder," Psychiatric Clinics or North America, 7:31-39.
  • Putnam, F.W.(1989) Diagnosis & Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder. Guilford Press.
  • R.L. Gregory, 1981, Mind in Science, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ.Press.
  • Ritterman, M. (1983). Using hypnosis in family therapy. San Francisco: Jossey­Bass.
  • Rosen, S. (1982). My voice will go with you: The teaching tales of Milton H. Erickson. New York: Norton.
  • Rosenbaum, M. (ed.), 1983, Compliance Behavior, Free Press.
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  • Ross, C.A. (1989) Multiple Personality Disorder: Diagnosis, Clinical Features, and Treatment. John Wiley and Sons
  • Rossi, E. & Ryan, M. (1986). Mind-body communication in hypnosis: The seminars, workshops and lectures of Milton H. Erickson (Vol. III). New York: Irvington.
  • Rossi, E. & Ryan, M. (1991). Creative choice in hypnosis: The seminars, workshops and lectures of Milton H. Erickson (Vol. IV). New York: Irvington.
  • Rossi, E. (ed.), 1980, "The Collected Papers of Milton H. Erickson on hypnosis", (4 vols), N.Y.: Irvington.
  • Rossi, E. L. (Ed.). (1980). The collected papers of Milton H. Erickson on hypnosis (Vol. 1): The nature of hypnosis and suggestion; (Vol. 2): Hypnotic alteration of sensory, perceptual and psychophysical processes; (Vol. 3): Hypnotic investigation of psychodynamic processes; (Vol. 4): Innovative hypnotherapy. New York: Irvington.
  • Rowland, Lloyd W. (1939) "Will Hypnotized Persons Try To Harm Themselves or Others?" Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 34:114-117.
  • Rulison, 1942, "Warts, A Statistical Study of Nine Hundred and Twenty One Cases," Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology, 46:66-81.
  • Sapir, J.D. and J.C. Crocker (eds), 1977, The Social Use ofMetaphor, Philadelphia:U of P Press.
  • Sarbin, Theodore and William Coe, 1972, "Hypnosis," N.Y.:Holt.
  • Sargant, William, 1957, Battle for the Mind, N.Y.: Harper and Row.
  • Sargant, William, 1969, "The Physiology of Faith," British Journal of Psychiatry, 115, pp. 505-518.
  • Sargant, William, 1975, The Mind Possessed, Baltimore:Penguin.
  • Schuyler BA. Coe WC. A physiological investigation of volitional and nonvolitional experience during posthypnotic amnesia. Journal of Personality& Social Psychology. 40(6):1160-9, 1981 Jun.
  • Serafetinides EA. Electrophysiological responses to sensory stimulationunder hypnosis. American Journal of Psychiatry. 125(1):112-3, 1968 Jul.
  • Sheehan. P.W. (ed), 1972, The Function and Nature of Imagery,N.Y.:Academic Press.
  • Sheikh, A.A., and T.T. Shaffer (eds.), 1979, The Potential of Fantasyand Imagination, N.Y.: Brandon House.
  • Spanos, N.P. and J.F. Chaves (eds.), 1989, "Hypnosis: TheCognitive-Behavioral Perspective," N.Y., Prometheus Press.
  • Spanos, N.P., 1986, "Hypnotic Behavior: A Social-Psychological interpretation of amnesia, analgesia, and 'trance logic,'" Behavioral andBrain Sciences, 9:449-467.
  • Spanos, Nicholas P. (1986) "Hypnosis, Nonvolitional Responding andMultiple Personality: A Social Psychological Analysis," in Brendan A. Maherand Winifred B. Maher (editors), Progress in Experimental PersonalityResearch, vol. 14, pp. 1-62. Academic Press. (Critical of dissociationtheory).
  • Spanos, Nicholas P. (1986) "Hypnotic Behavior: A Social-Psychological Interpretation of Amnesia, Analgesia, and 'Trance Logic'," Behavioral andBrain Sciences 9:449-502.
  • Spanos, Nicholas P., H.P. de Groot, D.K. Tiller, J.R. Weekes, and L.D.Bertrand, "'Trance logic' duality and hidden observer responding in hypnotic,imagination control, and simulating subjects," Journal of AbnormalPsychology, 94(1985):611-623.
  • Spiegel, Cutcomb, Ren, and Pribram, (1985) "Hypnotic HallucinationAlters Evoked Potentials." Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 94:249-255.
  • Spiegel, D. et al, 1989, "Hypnotic Alteration of Soma to sensory Perception," American Journal of Psychiatry, 146:752.
  • Stern, Brown, Ulett, and Sletten, 1977, 'A comparison of hypnosis, acupuncture, morphine, Valium, aspirin, and placebo in the management ofexperimentally induced pain,' Annals of the New York Academy ofSciences, 296, 175-193.
  • Tart, Charles (ed.), 1972. Altered States of Consciousness,N.Y.:Doubleday/Anchor
  • Tart, Charles T., 1975, States of Consciousness, N.Y.:Dutton
  • Tavris, Carole, (Jan 3,1993), "Beware the Incest-Survivor Machine," N.Y.Times Book Review.
  • Tebecis AK. Provins KA. Further studies of physiological
  • Thigpen, Corbett and Hervey Cleckley, 1957, "The Three Faces of Eve,"N.Y.: McGraw Hill.
  • Thomas, Gordon (1989) Journey into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIAMind Control and Medical Abuse. N.Y.: Bantam.
  • Tinterow, M.M. (ed.), 1855 (1970), "Foundations of Hypnosis," Springfield,Il.: Charles Thomas.
  • Tripp and Marks, 1986, 'Hypnosis, relaxation, and analgesia suggestionsfor the reduction of reported pain in high-and low-suggestible subjects,'Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 33, 319-328.
  • Turk, D., D.H. Meichenbaum, and M. Genest, (1983), Pain and behavioralmedicine: a cognitive-behavioral perspective, New York: Guilford Press.
  • Ulman + Dudek, 1960, "On the Psyche and Warts: II. Hypnotic Suggestion andWarts," Psychosomatic Medicine, 22:68-76.
  • Ulman, M., 1947, "Herpes Simplex and Second Degree Burn Induced UnderHypnosis," American Journal of Psychiatry, 103:828-830.
  • Underhill, Evelyn, (1972), Mysticism, N.Y.:World/Meridian.
  • Van Gorp, Meyer, and Dunbar, 1985, 'The efficacy of direct versus indirecthypnotic induction techniques on reduction of experimental pain,'International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 33,319-328.
  • W. Wells, 1940, "The extent and duration of post-hypnotic amnesia,"Journal of Psychology, 9:137-151.
  • Wagstaff, G.F., 1981, "Hypnosis, Compliance, and Belief," N.Y.:St. MartinsPress.
  • Walker, Garrett, and Wallace, 1976, "Restoration of Eidetic Imagery viaHypnotic Age Regression: A Preliminary Report," Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 85, 335-337.
  • Wallace, 1978, "Restoration of Eidetic Imagery via Hypnotic AgeRegression: More Evidence," Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 87,673-675.
  • Waton, Lawrence and Doxon Guthrie, 1972, "A New Approach to Psychopathology: The Influence of Cultural Meanings on Altered States ofConsciousness," Journal for the Study of Consciousness, 5, pp. 26-34.
  • Weisenkrantz, L. (ed), 1988, Thought Without Language, Oxford:Clarendon.
  • Weitzenhoffer, Andre, 1953, "Hypnotism: An Objective Study in Suggestibility," N.Y.: Wiley.
  • Wells, W.R., 1941, "Experiments in the Hypnotic Production of Crime,"Journal of Psychology, 11:63-102.
  • White, R.W., 1941, "A Preface to a Theory of Hypnotism," The Journal ofAbnormal and Social Psychology.
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  • Wicramasekera, I., 1976, Biofeedback, Behavior Therapy, and Hypnosis, Nelson Hall.
  • Wilson, S. and T.X. Barber, 1982,"The Fantasy Prone Personality:Implications for understanding imagery, hypnosis, and parapsychologicalphenomena," Imagery, Current Theory, Research, and Application, N.Y.John Wiley and Sons, A.A. Sheikh (ed).
  • Yapko, M. (1990). Trancework. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
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  • Zeig, J. (1985c). Experiencing Erickson: An introduction to the man and his work. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
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  • Zeig, J. (Ed.) (1992). The Evolution of Psychotherapy: The Second Conference. Brunner Mazel Publisher.
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  • Zeig, J. (Ed.). (1982). Ericksonian approaches to hypnosis and psychotherapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
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  • Zeig, J. (Ed.). (1985b). Ericksonian approaches psychotherapy (Vol. 2): Application. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Zeig, J.(Eds.) (1994). The Essence of the Story New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Zeig, Jeffrey and Peter Rennick, 1991, "Ericksonian Hypnotherapy: ACommunications Approach to Hypnosis," in Lynn and Rhue (eds),Theories of Hypnosis, N.Y.:Guilford Press.
  • Zubek, John, (ed), 1969, Sensory Deprivation, N.Y.:Appleton
  • Zusne, Leonard and Warren Jones, 1982, Anomalistic Psychology,Hillsdale, N.J.:Erlbaum.
  • MILTON ERICKSON "Experiencing Hypnosis", 1981, OUT OF PRINT, 283 pp,Third in the series that began with "Hypnotic Realities" and "Hypnotherapy". In an early lecture, we see the transition from the authoritarian to the permissive approach by Erickson. Also sections on Catalepsy in Induction and Therapy, Ideomotor Signa ling, and Learning of Trance by the Skeptical Mind.
  • MILTON ERICKSON "Hypnotic Realities", 1976, 326 pp.  In this volume Erickson focuses on the induction of hypnosis, and forms of indirect suggestion. Erickson and Rossi fully annotate transcripts of sessions showing use of the Yes set, the Double Bind, the Handshake Induction, Age Regression, and others.
  • MILTON ERICKSON (Edited Rossi), "The Collected Papers of Milton H. Erickson on Hypnosis".  1900 pages of vintage Erickson, culled from a lifetime of work.
    Vol I - The Nature of Hypnosis and Suggestion
    Vol II - Hypnotic Alteration of Sensory, Perceptual and Psychophysiological Processes
    Vol III The Hypnotic Investigation of Psychodynamic Processes
    Vol IV - Innovative Hypnotherapy Hardbound w/ DJ, now Out of Print, 1980
    Out of print but available online if you look hard enough.
  • MILTON ERICKSON (Edited Jay Haley) "Advanced Techniques of Hypnosis and Therapy - Selected Papers of Milton H. Erickson, large format, Grune and Stratton, 1967, First Edition, Out of Print.  This rare book gathered together 36 different articles by Erickson for the first time, exposing him to the world. His major pieces on hypnosis are all here, as well as a commentary by Jay Haley.
  • MILTON ERICKSON "Life Reframing in Hypnosis" , 1992, 328 pp
    Vol II of the Seminars, Workshops and Lectures of Milton Erickson. It was during this time period that Erickson wrote some of his most original papers on the naturalistic and utilization techniques which are considered to be the essence of his approach. Say what? Isn't this reframing stuff the source of that NLP stuff? You betcha! Now read the master!
  • MILTON ERICKSON " Mind-Body Communication in Hypnosis" , 1992, 304 pp, First Edition
    Vol III of the Seminars, Workshops and Lectures of Milton Erickson. Contains much of the source material wherein Erickson first expressed his original views on psychosomatic medicine and healing. Say what? Erickson on using hypnotism to stimulate breast development?
  • MILTON ERICKSON and LINN COOPER "Time Distortion in Hypnosis", 1954, 206 pages. This hard-to-find volume is a gem which shows Erickson's ideas on how to use time distortion, a naturally occuring hypnotic phenomenon, in a therapeutic environment. Contains both experimental hypnosis data and clinical interpretation.
  • MILTON ERICKSON (edited ZEIG) "A Teaching Seminar with Milton Erickson" , 1980, Brunner Mazel, 354 pp, NEW COPY
    Considered one of the best values out there, because it presents an entire weekend seminar with Erickson for a fraction of what any hypnosis class costs. For those of us who were not lucky enough to study with Erickson, this is an opportunity which is rewarding, insightful, and a great deal of fun to read.
  • MILTON ERICKSON "The February Man", 1989, Brunner Mazel.  This book represents the only completely documented report of an entire hypnotherapeutic case from the middle of Erickson's career, when his innovative approaches were being developed. Erickson evokes and utilizes many classic hypnotic phenomena, such as automatic writing, time distortion, and amnesia.
  • RICHARD BANDLER AND JOHN GRINDER - "Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton Erickson"
  • DAVID GORDON & MARYBETH MEYERS-ANDERSON "Phoenix - Therapeutic Patterns of Milton H. Erickson"
  • LANKTON AND ZEIG (editors) "Research, Comparisons and Medical Applications of Ericksonian Techniques"
  • LANKTON AND ZEIG (editors) "Extrapolations: Demonstrations of Ericksonian Therapy"
  • STEPHEN LANKTON (editor) "The Broader Implications of Ericksonian Therapy"
  • LANKTON, ZEIG & GILLIGAN (editors) "Views on Ericksonian Brief Therapy, Process and Action"
  • LANKTON AND ZEIG (editors) "Difficult Contexts for Therapy"
  • JEFFREY ZEIG (editor) "Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy"
  • KLIPPSTEIN (ed) - "Ericksonian Hypnotherapeutic Group Inductions"
  • JAY HALEY - "Uncommon Therapy - the Psychiatric Techniques of Milton Erickson"
  • JAY HALEY - "Ordeal Therapy"
  • JAY HALEY - "Strategies of Psychotherapy"
  • SIDNEY ROSEN "My Voice Will Go With You -The Teaching Tales of Milton Erickson"
  • RONALD HAVENS (ed) "The Wisdom of Milton H. Erickson"
  • PHILIP BARKER : "Using Metaphors in Psychotherapy"
  • LEE WALLAS: "Stories for the Third Ear - Using Hypnotic Fables in Psychotherapy"
  • LESLEY KUHN (ed) - Modern Hypnosis
  • LESLIE LECRON (ed) "Experimental Hypnosis"
  • HAROLD ROSEN (ed.) "Therapeutic Abortion"
  • WILLIAM O'HANLON : "Taproots - Underlying Principles of Milton Erickson's Therapy and Hypnosis"
  • Andersen, U. S., Three Magic Words.  New York: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1955.
  • Ambrose. Hypnotherapy with children. London: Staples Press, 1961.
  • August, R., Hypnosis in Obstetrics. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1961.
  • Baudouin, C., Suggestion and Autosuggestion.  New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1922.
  • Boyne, G. Transforming Therapy: A New Approach to Hypnotherapy.  Glendale, California: Westwood Publishing, 1989.
  • Bramwell, J. Milne, Hypnotism, its history, practice and theory. 2d ed. London, A. Moring, 1906.
  • Bristol, C., The Magic of Believing.  Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1957.
  • Caprio, F. S. and Berger, J. R., Helping Yourself with Self-Hypnosis.  Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1963.
  • Cook, C. E. and Van Vogt, A. E., Hypnotism Handbook.  Los Angeles: Borden Publishing Co., 1951.
  • Crabtree, A. From Mesmer to Freud: Magnetic Sleep and the Roots of Psychological Healing. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1993.
  • Crasilneck, H.B., and J.A. Hall. Clinical Hypnosis: Principles and Applications. 2nd ed. Orlando: Grune & Stratton, 1985.
  • Dunlap, K., Habits, Their Making and Unmaking.  New York: Liveright Publishing Co., 1951.
  • Elman, Dave. Hypnotherapy. Glendale, California: Westwood Publishing, 1964.
  • Erickson, M.H. The Collected Papers of Milton H.Erickson on Hypnosis. E. Rossi, ed. 4 vols. New York: Irvington Publishers, 1980.
  • Estabrooks, G., Hypnotism. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1957
  • Gutheil, E. A. Handbook of Dream Analysis.  New York: Liveright Publishing Co., 1951.
  • Fodor, N., New Approaches to Dream Interpretation.  New York: Citadel Press, 1951.
  • Hammond, C.D. Handbook of Hypnotic suggestions and Metaphors.  New York: W.W.Norton, 1990.
  • Hart, H., Autoconditioning (Life). Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1956
  • Heise, J., The Amazing Hypno-Diet.  New York: Belmont Productions, 1962.
  • King, A., The Cigarette Habit. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1959.
  • Kroger, W., Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis.  New York: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1963.
  • LeCron, L. M. and Bordeaux, J., Hypnotism Today.  New York: Grune & Stratton, Inc., 1947.
  • Lynn, S.J., I. Kirsch, and J.W.Rhue. Handbook of Clinical Hypnosis. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association, 1994.
  • Long, M. F., Self-Suggestion. Vista, California, 1958.
  • Maltz, M., Psycho-Cybernetics.  Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1952
  • Olness, K., and D.P.Kohen. Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy with Children. 3rd ed. New York: The Guilford Press, 1996.
  • Peale, N. V., the Power of Positive Thinking.  Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentence-Hall, Inc., 1952.
  • Temes, R. Medical Hypnosis: An Introduction and Clinical Guide.  New York: W.B. Sauders, 1999.
  • Wolberg, L., Medical Hypnosis.  New York: Grune & Stratton, Inc., 1948.
  • Bowers, K.S. (1976). Hypnosis for the seriously curious. Monterey, Ca.: Brooks/Cole.
  • Covino, N., & Frankel, F.H. (1993). Hypnosis and relaxation in the medically ill. Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics, 60, 75-90.
  • Fromm, E., & Nash, M.R. (Eds.) (1992). Contemporary hypnosis research. New York: Guilford.
  • Gauld, A. (1992). A history of hypnotism. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hilgard, E.R. (1965). Hypnotic susceptibility. New York: Harcourt, Brace, & World.
  • Hilgard, E.R. (1977). Divided consciousness: Multiple controls in human thought and action. New York: Wiley-Interscience.
  • Hilgard, E.R., & Hilgard, J.R. (1975). Hypnosis in the relief of pain. Los Altos, Ca.: Kaufman.
  • Kirsch, I., Montgomery, G., & Sapirstein, G. (1995). Hypnosis as an adjunct to cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy: A meta-analysis. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 63, 214-220.
  • Lynn, S.J., & Rhue, J.W. (Eds.) (1991). Theories of hypnosis: Current models and perspectives. New York: Guilford.
  • Olness, K., & Gardner, G.G. (1988). Hypnosis and hypnotherapy with children. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Grune & Stratton.
  • Rhue, J.W., Lynn, S.J., & Kirsch, I. (Eds.) (1993). Handbook of clinical hypnosis. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
  • Sheehan, P.W., & Perry, C.W. (1976). Methodologies of hypnosis: A critical appraisal of contemporary paradigms of hypnosis. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.
  • Spiegel, H., & Spiegel, D. (1978). Trance and treatment: Clinical uses of hypnosis. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press.