With the Cause Effect language pattern you imply that one thing causes another even if it does not. This is a statement where the first that is in two parts (the first phrase causes the second phrase). There may be a real connection between them or none at all, as long as it seems probable.
You make a statement about something that the patient can verify as true and suggest that it must mean that something will happen that you want the patient to experience. The patient must completely accept the cause-effect relationship so it must be presented in a totally acceptable form. The use of other hypnotic language patterns is essential for this to be truly effective
Common structures are 'If.then..', '.because..', as..then you.'. Some sentence structures are stronger than others.
- 1. The connection can be weak by simply joining two phrases with 'and'.
Example: 'Can you breathe in now and allow yourself to relax even further.'
- 2. A stronger connection is implied by using connectors such 'as', 'when', 'during' and 'while'
Example 'As you think about that now you can begin to understand it.'
- 3. The strongest connection is provided by 'because'.
Example: 'You are feeling more relaxed because you are in a state of hypnotic trance.'
One research project found that nearly 90% of people allowed someone to push to the front of a long queue simply by saying '.because I'm in a hurry.' (see Professor Cialdini's 'Psychology of Persuasion')
Initially you could just pace the patient by making observations about their experience before using cause-effect language patterns. When you do introduce them the cause effect statements should be started with the weaker forms and then progress gradually to stronger forms. This build-up ensures that rapport is not lost by making assumptions and moving too quickly.